our ministries
Men’s Ministry
Families need spiritual leaders. Men are the pillars of the family. Without a leader, there is no structure, and chaos becomes the norm. The marriage relationship weakens, and children are not learning what healthy relationships look like. Boys are not learning to be godly men and have respect for others. Girls are not learning what healthy expectations in a husband are or how to find their identity in Christ.
Until a male begins to reflect the image, character, and nature of Christ likeness, he is not a man at all. Why? Because God created man after his own image. Being a male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of choice.
God is a God of order. His word says, “But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Corinthians 11:3
Women’s Ministry
God desires to restore a woman’s uniqueness in Christ.
Women can carry wounds in their lives passed down through generations.
In Psalm 147:3, God is reminding us that His power is unlimited. He is mighty enough to heal all wounds no matter when or how they occurred in our lives. Our pain is not beyond His tremendous power. He is the Great Physician, able to reach into our pasts and heal our souls.
Proverbs 31 paints the picture of an ideal woman, the best example of a virtuous wife and mother. This final Proverb echoes Proverbs 1:7 — “fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.”
Marriage Ministry
Next to accepting God’s plan of salvation for your life, marriage is the closest thing to heaven that you can experience in your life. Marriage is a spiritual picture and testimony of Christ’s relationship to the church. It models your blood covenant with God.
Single’s Ministry
The most important decision after following Christ is who you choose to marry. Finding a marriage partner takes spiritual sensitivity, maturity, and preparation—including preparing ourselves to be the right spouse. The bible calls us to be equally yoked.
Prison Ministry
“He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners.”
Luke 4:18
Many lives have traveled a path that has led to physical incarceration however many more are incarcerated in the prisons of their own mind.
Youth Ministry
The youth searches for a sense of belonging which is why many times they are susceptible to joining gangs. We want to point them to Christ and the love He has for them. Prison ministry is not only for those coming out but also making sure we can avoid the youth from going in. Many issues start from fatherlessness in the home.